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Unlocking the Enormous Potential of Neurodiverse Learners

Our White Paper - Unlocking the Enormous Potential of Neurodiverse Learners - sets out the failure we see every day of our education system to provide for the needs of neurodiverse learners and its massive social and economic cost.


We call for a whole-of-system, fully-resourced, long-term change process, across every level of the education system. This also means the education and health systems must work together to allow early diagnosis and support. This will take time. An incoming Government should implement three key initiatives immediately as a critical first step in that change process.




Build Awareness
and Understanding


Fund a multi-year Neurodiversity Awareness programme targeted at
parents, teachers, school leaders and boards of trustees, health professionals
and young people themselves


Require School Neurodiversity and

Disability Action Plans


Require schools and kura to provide a Neurodiversity and Disability Action Plan (NDAP) as a condition of learning support funding.


Scale up programmes

that work


Scale up proven programmes
to ensure equitable access and grow system capability.

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Contact us


If you have any questions about the Neurodiversity in Education Project, please get in touch:


Phone: 0800 769 243


​Postal Address:
c/ Russell McVeagh, Vero Centre,
48 Shortland Street, Auckland Central, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand



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​Charities Commission Registration No. CC50461



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