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MindPlus YourSchool brings specialist gifted education capability to your school. 

The Neurodiversity in Education Project will support you to offer your own world-class half-day a week programme for the Y2 - 10 gifted learners at your school or across your Kāhui Ako, wherever you are in New Zealand. 

At the same time, we train your teacher as a specialist MindPlus educator. After two years, you will be equipped to run your own YourSchool programme using our platform, as part of our wider MindPlus community.

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“We know there’s a very
real need in our school, but right now, we don’t have the capacity to meet that need. We want to bring our teachers along
on this journey”
“What I really enjoy is
being able to partner up with [our NZCGE teacher] and really talk about not just the curriculum we're covering but the kids that we have.” 

​Principal, Nelson primary school

​Partner Teacher, Feilding primary school

Hear from our MindPlus Partner Schools

What schools get

As a MindPlus Partner School, you will receive:


Covers conceptual thinking, talent development, and social and emotional learning, and draws on our 25 year experience.

MindPlus Learning Platform

Used by all our teachers and students in our hybrid learning programme.


MindPlus Teacher Resources

Enabling teachers to “plug and play” ready to go learning tools.


MindPlus YourSchool Professional Learning Programme

A two year programme of bite-sized online learning alongside mentoring and coaching, leading to certification as a MindPlus Partner Teacher.


Support to extend and challenge your learners using our FREE learning platform connecting curious Y2-10 students all over New Zealand.


Access to our big MindPlus family of gifted students, whānau, teachers and schools across our programmes.


Who is MindPlus YourSchool for?

MindPlus YourSchool is designed for gifted kids and schools in the following situations:


  • There isn't a MindPlus OurSchool unit nearby

  • Students feel comfortable at their existing school and would prefer to get the support they need there

  • Many parents are not in a position to afford OurSchool or Online fees

  • Students want to learn alongside their peers rather than wholly online

  • Schools want to provide effectively for gifted kids at their own school but are not sure how to set up a quality gifted education programme.

How does MindPlus YourSchool work?

"When I explained to them what
MindPlus (YourSchool) was, and I said
we're not going to do regular school work
here ... this is something all about you, your talents, your gifts, they were bouncing up
and down, they were cheering. There is
actually a place for them to pursue that,
cause up until now they haven't had
that kind of opportunity."

Kasia Jeric - MindPlus YourSchool
Partner Teacher

For students, YourSchool happens once a week when a group of gifted kids from the school comes together for half a day with a teacher from the school (“the Partner Teacher”).


During each session, the students and their Partner Teacher meet online with their MindPlus Teacher and then work through the same MindPlus curricular activities as students in an OurSchool unit, with guidance, feedback and support from their Partner Teacher and online MindPlus Teacher.​


The extra benefit for the students is that their Partner Teacher becomes a champion for them and can help other teachers at the school to more effectively meet their needs. Often the MindPlus kids at the school (despite being in different year groups) start to identify together and support each other in the playground and elsewhere.

A Powerful Social Return on Investment

For every $1 invested, MindPlus YourSchool generates $6.90 in social value.

Imagine: A $7.1m annual investment could bring MindPlus YourSchool to 500 schools across the nation. After two years, schools would have the tools to continue independently, with another 500 schools beginning. The social return on this investment would be even higher - $1 yielding $7.30 in value.

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Contact us

If you have any questions about the Neurodiversity in Education Project, please get in touch:

Phone: 0800 769 243


Postal Address:
c/ Russell McVeagh, Vero Centre,
48 Shortland Street, Auckland Central, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand

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Charities Commission Registration No. CC50461

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