Is Your School A
Neuroinclusive School?
The Young Neurodiversity Champions (YNC) want every school in Aotearoa to be a neuroinclusive school.
One of our Champions, Tom Little, is clear on why this matters:
"As a high school student myself (Y13 at Taradale High School), I am no stranger to being misunderstood and unfairly labelled due to my neurological differences. These distinctions, however, are not shortcomings; they are what make me unique and valuable."

Statistics show that one in five students are neurodiverse, with conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and giftedness. If students like Tom don’t get specialist support and understanding, they can struggle to learn, fit in and feel valuable, making us much more likely to disengage, drop out of education, and experience mental health challenges.
We’re starting by finding out where our schools are right now on their neuroinclusivity journey and what support they would value.
Make sure your school has its voice heard! Fill in our 5 minute survey now, or share it with your school and ask it to take part.
Partner with us
We’re looking for 10-15 diverse Partner Schools from all over Aotearoa to work closely with us and lead on this critical mahi. Whether you are just starting out or well on the way, it doesn’t matter. Our focus is on building a diverse group of committed school leaders who want to work and learn together.
Get in touch now!

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