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Neurodiverse Girl going to school


That all future neurodiverse ākonga receive the support they need to thrive in our education system.

Neurodiversity is a big issue, impacting many families and whānau across New Zealand, regardless of socio-economic status or ethnicity.

The facts on Young People and Neurodiversity
Neurodiverse Boy going to school

“The result of this failing system is a whole demographic of young people in Aotearoa who feel they are a burden because they cannot contort themselves to fit into a system designed with just one type of learner in mind, the neurotypical student”

- One of our Young Neurodiversity Champions

With the right support, neurodiverse young people bring a wealth of creativity, fresh thinking and focus that employers are increasing valuing and seeking out.

Without support, neurodiverse young people are over-represented in the ranks of those who have disengaged with school, are unemployed, are in our jails, and suffer poor mental health.


Right now, far too few of our neurodiverse young people are identified by teachers or their parents, with significant lack of awareness about what neurodiversity looks loke. Even if they are identified, many go undiagnosed because of cost and long waiting lists. And too many, once diagnosed, go unsupported because the programmes and professional help they need are not freely accessible within our education system.

The Neurodiversity in Education Coalition has come together to demand whole system, fully-resourced, long-term change across all aspects of our education and health system for all neurodiverse learners, no matter what their individual diagnosis.


Learn more about the situation for neurodiverse students in our current education system and what needs to change.

Stay up to date

Sign up to our mailing list to keep updated on our work, events and opportunities.

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Contact us

If you have any questions about the Neurodiversity in Education Project, please get in touch:

Phone: 0800 769 243


Postal Address:
c/ Russell McVeagh, Vero Centre,
48 Shortland Street, Auckland Central, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand

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Charities Commission Registration No. CC50461

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